Uline FAQ Page Design

Designing a Page that Displayed an FAQ and Products

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.


Uline had certain keywords that, when used in a search, directed users to a FAQ page. These same keywords also had product links associated with them, but users were limited to viewing only the FAQ page. The objective was to develop a page capable of displaying both the FAQ content and the associated products.





1 UX designer

5 Business Analysts

1 project manager

My Role

UX design

Workshop facilitator


4+ weeks

Planning Ideation Session

Top Three Sketches

Ideation Session

I aimed to organize an ideation session focused on addressing the query, "How can we incorporate products into a FAQ page?" Recognizing the importance of making the page highly informative, I recognized the necessity to generate a multitude of ideas. To achieve this goal, I conducted two rounds of sketching, which proved to be quite extensive given the nature of this company's requirements.

Top Three Sketches

  • FAQ Popup

    Shows users products from the search and has an FAQ popup that users can click. It will show them a shortened version of the FAQ with the option to go to the full FAQ.

  • Curated List

    Showing users a curated list of products under the FAQ with the option to show more.

  • Pick One

    Bringing the users to a page that gave them the option to pick the FAQ or the Products being shown.



Using Figma, I translated my first sketches into low-fidelity wireframes. Then, I improved them by adding a few relevant stock images and copies provided by the marketing team. I then made a few alterations and moved on to creating mid-fidelity prototypes with interactions.



Project Three